Auto Check Preapproval Steps:

  • Check mark iconStep 1: Follow The Application Process
  • Check mark iconGo to HPC Credit Union – Loan Application ( and apply for the vehicle type of your choice or contact us at (989) 354-4698.
  • check mark icon Step 2: Preapproval Process
  • check mark icon Once you have submitted your application, we will let you know in a timely manner if you have been approved and for what amount.
  • check mark icon Step 3: Receive Your Check
  • check mark icon You will receive a blank check, good for the full amount approved.
  • check mark icon Step 4: Pick Up The Check
  • check mark icon You can pick up the check at a branch near you or have it emailed to you.
  • check mark iconStep 5: Take Check To Dealer of Your Choice
  • check mark iconTake the check to the dealer of your choice and write it to them up to the amount approved.

Have questions? Let us know!

Call Us: (989) 354-4698

Email Us:

Visit any location: Alpena, Mio and West Branch