A traditional IRA is an individual retirement arrangement that allows you to save for retirement with tax-deferred earnings and the possibility of tax-deductible contributions.

You can contribute into your IRA until the due date for filing your federal income tax return for the year (generally April 15).

Yes! Your employer retirement plan will not affect your ability to contribute to a Traditional IRA, nor will making contributions affect what you can contribute to your employer plan.

You can withdraw money anytime, subject to income tax. An IRS penalty tax may apply unless you are the age 59-1/2.

A Roth IRA is an individual retirement arrangement. It differs from a Traditional IRA in it’s tax incentives.

You can contribute to your IRA until the due date for filing your federal income tax return for the year (generally April 15).

Yes! Your employer retirement plan will not affect your ability to contribute to a Traditional IRA, nor will making contributions affect what you can contribute to your employer plan.

Eligible assets from most retirement plans, such as your 401(k) plan, can be rolled over to Roth IRAs. Check with your plan administrator.

You’ll get the most out of a Roth IRA at retirement, but you can withdraw the money from your Roth IRA anytime. Depending on when you take the money out, you may be subject to income tax and IRS penalty tax. If you have qualified distribution all assets are tax and penalty free.

An education savings account (ESA) that can help you save on your child’s future education such as tuition, books, equipment, room, and board (subject to limits).

You can contribute to your IRA until the due date for filing your federal income tax return for the year (generally April 15).

Coverdell withdrawals can be used to pay for qualified education expenses at elementary and secondary schools (K-12), including public, private, or religious schools, as well as any college.

To pay for qualified education expenses, such as tuition and fees; the cost of books, supplies and other equipment; and in some situations, the cost of room and board.