Get .25 cents per statement when you sign up for E-Statements
HPC Credit Union offers account statements via mail, email, and through It’sMe247 Login, whichever works best for you!
E-statements via email, there is no waiting for the mail. We will notify you as soon as it is available via your email and you will have secure access to your statement anytime. Did I mention that you get .25 cents per statement by signing up??
With the H.P.C. App you can now view statements online, whenever you want from wherever you want! E-statements are not only more convenient, but they are more secure and environmentally friendly.
Enrolling in eStatements: It’s Me 247 Online Banking
On the home page of our Online Banking site, you will see “Feature of the Week”. Click on eStatements which is the fourth option down. You will end up at the page on the right. Click on “Enrollment Preference” and then click the enroll button.